Frequently asked questions

Where are Vital Energy products made?

They are designed and made in Taiwan.

How are we different from massage chair?

Vital Energy is powered by sophisticated vibration mechanic. Its low-frequency vibration is designed to improve cardiovascular system of human body and lead to substantial impact to health of human beings where massage chair doesn't do either of those.

Any differences in between your products?

All our products share the same concepts. Products are tailor to specific types of individuals depending on their physical conditions and needs. Some may need vibration for their lower body, some may need for their whole body, some may need for wheelchair friendly equipment, we have them covered.

Can passive exercise helps reduce the body fat?

Yes, but more so to visceral fat than subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat is much correlates to matabolic disease, so reducing the visceral fat does not only help people slimming but also prevent us from chronic disease.

Can I use the vibration machine? How about my parents?

Almost everyone is able to use our vibration machine regardless if they are old or disabled. Though we designed this for home and office uses, but there is certainly some restriction to note. Please check our eBook for more details.

How long can my vibration machine last?

Approximately 10 years under normal uses assuming the machine operates 180 minutes per day.

How long can I use vibration machine per day?

There really is no limitation on how long you can use, for health care purposes, 30 to 45 minutes per day is ideal.

Is there any side effect?

Though vibration is the safest exercise among others, but some people might experience numb, sleepy, dizzy, tired, itchy, sore and stiff shoulder, these symptoms are the signs to show the improvement of blood circulation, and will disappear after first week.

Do you have certificates?

Our products are CE certified, FDA Class 1, UL approved and U.S. patented.

I still need more information, where to look for?

Sure, you are more than welcome to download our vibration therapy eBook for more details, or contact us by email via